Hellloooo! I had two full days at work. Last Monday was turnover day and briefing from the LPAP director. First task was to prepare a summary of projected weekly and monthly expenses, provide a list of needed supplies for replenishment. Was also able to find time to read the operations manual and study the files and data there. I already have a system in mind to be implemented. One of the greatest challenges I am facing now is to get more children to enroll this month. I need to find 32 kids who will avail a monthly package or at least a weekly package to be able to sustain operations and cover for our overhead expenses. So I have to design a marketing strategy to make it happen, but not that day. Gabby and I left LPAP 15 minutes past 5pm last Monday because we went to SM to meet her dad who promised to buy her other stuff for school. The mall was already packed with shoppers for the coming school opening but will tell more about it on my next post.
So going back to our topic, Tuesday was as full as the previous day. I started the day with a staff meeting to lay down and reinforced rules and procedures and my expectations from them. Afterwhich, I begun transferring raw data to a file in my laptop so it is easier to work with i.e. assorting, updating, listing, etc. Thanks to this technology, it makes our life easier and more organized. At 6pm, I took Gabby home, had a shower, then off again to an empowerment seminar. It was so enriching I couldn't stop talking about it with the other participants. Until I realized it was already getting late so I hurriedly went as I was already missing Gabby. LOL! After work today, I will be in a marketing strategy meeting with the LPAP team. It will be a full full day again, for sure!