How busy can we get? With all the bills, expenses and other stuff lying before us, who could not think about work and getting extra income? Most of the time, we think about how we are going to survive in this world without money, work or a relationship? What food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear, house to live in. We get so busy keeping our mind busy (yes! its not redundant!) worrying over these things. So we work and work and work. Or shall I say toil, because we would still end up lacking or needy or poor in spite of our working doubly hard.
I remember Martha and Mary in the book of Luke. Martha opened her home to Jesus and His disciples. She had a sister named Mary , who sat down at His feet and kept her focus listening to him. While Martha was so distracted by all the preparations to be made for them she asked the Lord, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?" And Jesus answered her, "Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but ONLY ONE thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is BETTER, and it will not be taken away from her."
We often forget what's most important in our life. And it is definitely not money, boyfriend or a lover, clothes, a house, a fat bank account, or a job! It is very clear that God is the ONLY ONE we need in order to live. Better than the life we have in this world. Turn your eyes from anything that destructs you, from the worries and fears of this world. When you turn your eyes upon Jesus , the things of this earth will change in the light of His Glory, His Love and His Power!
Who are you?